Results for 'Margherita De Giorgi'

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  1.  22
    Interazioni del sacro. Forme e modelli di culto nella pittura bizantina di Puglia.Manuela De Giorgi - 2018 - Convivium 5 (1):112-125.
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    Rosmini e il suo tempo: l'educazione dell'uomo moderno tra riforma della filosofia e rinnovamento della Chiesa: 1797- 1833.Fulvio De Giorgi - 2003 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    La scuola italiana di spiritualità: da Rosmini a Montini.Fulvio De Giorgi - 2020 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  4. Per un'archeologia culturale Del rosminianesimo.Fulvio de Giorgi - 2011 - Divus Thomas 114 (1):42-90.
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    Della filosofia della storia.Aurelio Bertola De' Giorgi - 1787 - Napoli: Liguori.
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  6. Memorie della mia vita (1865).Alessandro De Giorgi - 1990 - In Giandomenico Romagnosi (ed.), I Tempi e le opere di Gian Domenico Romagnosi. Milano: Giuffrè.
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    The role of the capitol in Rome - (j.) moralee Rome's holy mountain. The capitoline hill in late antiquity. Pp. XXVI + 278, ills, maps. New York: Oxford university press, 2018. Cased, £47.99, us$74. Isbn: 978-0-19-049227-4. [REVIEW]Andrea U. De Giorgi - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):195-197.
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    Scienza del diritto e legittimazione: critica dell'epistemologia giuridica tedesca da Kelsen a Luhmann.Raffaele De Giorgi - 1979 - Bari: De Donato.
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    Annemarie Weyl Carr and Andréas Nicolaïdès, eds., Asinou across Time: Studies in the Architecture and Murals of the Panagia Phorbiotissa, Cyprus. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2012. Pp. xii, 431; 32 black-and-white and 190 color figures, 1 map, and 6 tables. $75. ISBN: 978-0-884-02349-4. [REVIEW]Manuela De Giorgi - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):753-755.
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    Cercare la strada. Note a margine dell'ultima monografia di Ju. Lotman.Margherita De Michiel - 1995 - Idee 30:153-163.
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  11. Anxiety, Stress-Related Factors, and Blood Pressure in Young Adults.Nicola Mucci, Gabriele Giorgi, Stefano De Pasquale Ceratti, Javier Fiz-Pérez, Federico Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Features of COVID-19 Patients After Hospital Dismission: An Italian Sample.Veronica Cian, Alessandro De Laurenzis, Chiara Siri, Anna Gusmeroli & Margherita Canesi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Background and AimsRecent studies suggest cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairments occur in patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, studies are limited to case reports or case series and, to our knowledge, few of them have control groups. This study aims to assess the prevalence of neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric impairment in patients after hospitalization.MethodsWe enrolled 29 COVID+ patients who needed hospitalization but no IC, about 20 days post-dismission, and 29 COVID− healthy matched controls. Neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric assessments were conducted via teleneuropsychology using (...)
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    Leopoldo Zea: Propuestas para la construcción de un futuro igualmente deseable para todos: Leopoldo Zea: Proposals for an Equally Desirable Future for All.Liliana Giorgis - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:45-52.
    El pensamiento de Leopoldo Zea comienza a tomar cuerpo a partir de la década de 1940 y forma parte de un legado representativo para la filosofía latinoamericana y, más específicamente, para la Historia de las Ideas Latinoamericanas. Las reflexiones que volcó en sus libros, y que expuso en foros de discusión que recorrieron el mundo, estuvieron siempre empeñadas en desentrañar el sentido de nuestra historia, con el fin de esclarecer y organizar los saberes y las prácticas de nuestra vida espiritual. (...)
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    Ad or Brusdé et Tout Escrit Marie de France e la Naissance Dei Lais.Margherita Lecco - 2005 - Mediaevalia 26 (1):173-190.
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    Configuración biopolítica de las necesidades del campesino Colombiano en los años noventa.Luz Helena Di Giorgi Fonseca - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (118):13-36.
    El contexto rural colombiano, en los años noventa, se configuró, a partir de un discurso de desarrollo que desconoció y estigmatizó a la población campesina. En este sentido, “el trabajador agrario”, tal y como lo considera la Constitución Política de 1991, no refiere a la realidad específica de las comunidades campesinas, sino a un “pequeño productor”, que como lo indica el Informe de Desarrollo Humano de 2011, representa a individuo con un rol secundario, que con asistencia crediticia y técnica puede (...)
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    Un fragment de xénocrate et le problème de la connaissance sensible.Margherita Isnardi Parente - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (2):293 - 305.
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  17. ...En dieu sans estre. Dottrina dell''adnientissement' in Margherita Porete.E. Giorgi - 2002 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 35:139-180.
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    Sacrifice and Evolutionary Incentive: Epigenetic Applications of the Ritual.Margherita Geniale - 2021 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 28 (1):77-97.
    Nowadays in paleoanthropology it becomes more and more evident that the process of encephalopathy has guided our evolutionary line and that it can be investigated following two main strands of interpretation: the one based on selective mechanisms, which act on large numbers and in a completely random way, and the strand that constitutes the cornerstone of the Darwinian perspective on the evolution of life; or the one that is articulated according to a philosophical approach, aimed at formulating a "law of (...)
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    Multiple Corpus: a Polyangular Readings Approach?Margherita Fantoli & Marc Vandersmissen - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    Dans le domaine de l’analyse des données textuelles (ADT), les chercheurs s’intéressent à la relation entre le texte et son support d’exploration. Ces dernières années, l’évolution de l’informatique a profondément modifié notre rapport au texte induisant le développement de nouveaux outils d’étude et critères d’analyse. Dans ce contexte théorique, le concept de lecture polyangulaire permet de compléter les notions de lectures linéaire, réticulaire ou matricielle. Cette approche du texte est devenue possible grâce aux outils d’édition de corpus toujours plus performants (...)
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    Il centro e la circonferenza: fortuna del De consolatione philosophiae di Boezio tra Valla e Leibniz.Margherita Belli - 2011 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Performatividad y afectos.Luz Helena Di Giorgi-Fonseca - 2018 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 3 (21):107-132.
    Un tema transversal que aparece en la obra de la filósofa Judith Butler, especialmente en Vida precaria y Marcos de guerra, tiene que ver con la experiencia afectiva que tienen los sujetos. Por esta razón, el objetivo del presente artículo teórico es analizar la manera como la filósofa norteamericana trata el tema de los afectos o las emociones. El texto se centra en demostrar la pertinencia de la reflexión en torno a los afectos, ya que es un elemento crítico-social que (...)
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    Platón y El Problema de Los Ágrapha.Margherita Isnardi Parenti - 1993 - Méthexis 6 (2):73-92.
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    Perspectives for a human-centric industry: understanding the social critique of the utopian proposal.Margherita Pugnaletto - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    This article assesses the exploration of the utopian paradigm within the context of technological advancement and its implications for human labor. It engages in this reflection, beginning with John Danaher’s reading of utopian perspectives related to the evolution of the labor domain, and then focusing on the significance of the social element and its dynamics in redefining labor and productive structures. It focuses on utopia as a regulatory ideal, valuing the conjectural contributions from theories throughout the history of utopian thought. (...)
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    “The illusions of the multitude” or “imaginaries” and their effects on the political sphere, in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza.Luz Helena Di Giorgi-Fonseca - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 69:71-93.
    This article addresses the notion of “illusions of the multitude”, or the ideas created by the imagination in the analysis that Baruch Spinoza makes in his works. The text aims to explore the following questions: What characteristics reveal the ideas originating from the imagination? What role do these ideas play in the political and so- cial space? First, I emphasize Spinoza’s explanation of the imagination, as a first mode of knowledge. Secondly, I delve into the characteristics of the ideas that (...)
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    A Internacional Socialista de Mulheres e as origens do Dia Internacional da Mulher Trabalhadora (1907-1917).Velia Sabrina Luparello & Emiliano Giorgis - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:272-307.
    Este artigo analisa a origem e os objetivos políticos da celebração do Dia Internacional da Mulher a partir do estudo das socialistas norte-americanas e alemãs enquadradas na Internacional Socialista de Mulheres. O trabalho enfoca as discussões sobre a "questão feminina" e a luta pelo sufrágio universal feminino nos partidos socialistas da Alemanha e dos Estados Unidos; em particular na relação política que os socialistas tiveram que manter com os movimentos feministas burgueses. Procuraremos demonstrar que o Dia Internacional da Mulher foi (...)
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    End-Of-Life Decisions in Chronic Disorders of Consciousness: Sacrality and Dignity as Factors.Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, Antonino Naro, Rosaria De Luca, Margherita Russo, Lory Caccamo, Alfredo Manuli, Bernardo Alagna, Angelo Aliquò & Placido Bramanti - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):85-102.
    The management of patients suffering from chronic disorders of consciousness inevitably raises important ethical questions about the end of life decisions. Some ethical positions claim respect of human life sacredness and the use of good medical practices require allowing DOC patients to live as long as possible, since no one can arbitrarily end either his/her or others’ life. On the other hand, some currents of thought claim respect of human life dignity, patients’ wishes, and the right of free choice entail (...)
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  27. Ernst Cassirer, "Cartesio e Leibniz", trad. it. di A. De Toni. [REVIEW]Margherita Isnardi Parente - 1988 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 43 (3):585.
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    Le projet devocabulaire historique.Margherita Platania - 1996 - Revue de Synthèse 117 (1-2):231-240.
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    In Memoriam: Robert B. MacLeod ( 1907- 1972).Amedeo Giorgi - 1972 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 3 (1):1-2.
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    Remarks on parabolic De Giorgi classes.Naian Liao - 2021 - Annali di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata 200 (6):2361-2384.
    We make several remarks concerning properties of functions in parabolic De Giorgi classes of order p. There are new perspectives including a novel mechanism of propagating positivity in measure, the reservation of membership under convex composition, and a logarithmic type estimate. Based on them, we are able to give new proofs of known properties. In particular, we prove local boundedness and local Hölder continuity of these functions via Moser’s ideas, thus avoiding De Giorgi’s heavy machinery. We also seize (...)
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  31. A questão das competências na formação profissional do professor: elementos para impulsionar o debate.Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi, Yoshie Ussami Ferrari Leite & Sílvia Adriana Rodrigues - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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  32. Paulo Freire eo marxismo: pontos para uma reflexão.Cristiano Ag Di Giorgi - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (1).
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    Wright, E. O. (2020). Cómo ser anticapitalista en el siglo XXI. Traducción Cristina Piña Aldao, Akal Pensamiento Crítico (150 páginas). [REVIEW]Martín Gabriel Giorgi - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (1):e070.
    Reseña de Wright, E. O. (2020). Cómo ser anticapitalista en el siglo XXI. Traducción Cristina Piña Aldao, Akal Pensamiento Crítico (150 páginas).
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    Bachelor, A., and Joshi, P. La Méthode Phénoménologique de Recherche en Psychologie, Quebec, Canada, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1986, 123 pp. $15.00. [REVIEW]Amedeo Giorgi - 1988 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 19 (2):214-215.
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    Asclepius’ Cult at the Court of the Ptolemies.Margherita Maria Di Nino - 2008 - Hermes 136 (2):167-187.
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  36. L'educazione del principe cristiano, « Morano » Ed.Erasmo di Rotterdam & Margherita Isnardi Parente - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (2):210-211.
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    … Aliorum diligentiae relinquo.Enrico Pasini, Margherita Palumbo, Giovanna Varani, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Luca Fonnesu & Roberto Palaia - 2012 - In Wenchao Li (ed.), Komma Und Kathedrale: Tradition, Bedeutung Und Herausforderung der Leibniz-Edition. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 225-234.
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    The psychologization of humanitarian aid: skimming the battlefield and the disaster zone.Jan De Vos - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (3):103-122.
    Humanitarian aid’s psycho-therapeutic turn in the 1990s was mirrored by the increasing emotionalization and subjectivation of fund-raising campaigns. In order to grasp the depth of this interconnectedness, this article argues that in both cases what we see is the post-Fordist production paradigm at work; namely, as Hardt and Negri put it, the direct production of subjectivity and social relations. To explore this, the therapeutic and mental health approach in humanitarian aid is juxtaposed with the more general phenomenon of psychologization. This (...)
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    The space of antioch - (A.U.) De Giorgi ancient antioch. From the seleucid era to the islamic conquest. Pp. XVIII + 226, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2016. Cased, £64.99, us$99.99. Isbn: 978-1-107-13073-9. [REVIEW]Kristina Neumann - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):211-212.
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    Giorgi Japaridze and Dick de Jongh. The logic of provability. Handbook of proof theory, edited by Samuel R. Buss, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 137, Elsevier, Amsterdam etc. 1998, pp. 475–546. [REVIEW]Toshiyasu Arai - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):472-473.
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    La introducción de la teoría de los sistemas de Niklas Luhmann en la filosofía jurídica y social argentina.Jorge E. Douglas Price - 2014 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (8):95-124.
    A theory can be an explanation of a piece of the world. A theory of law is intended to be an explanation of that phenomenon of social communication which we call Law. But, Raffaele De Giorgi, perhaps the person responsible for the introduction of luhmannian theory in Argentina, (jointly with Torres Nafarrate in Mexico in translating Luhmann’s work to Spanish), asked: What is a theory of society? What is the “Law of society”? And answered: Can we discuss this?, hands (...)
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    Margherita Guarducci, Saint-Pierre retrouvé : le martyr, la tombe, les reliques, trad. de l'italien, Paris, Éditions Saint-Paul, 1974, , 151 pages. [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Filteau - 1976 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 32 (2):215.
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    Margherita Isnardi Parente.HansHG Krämer - 2014 - In Gesammelte Aufsätze Zu Platon. De Gruyter. pp. 561-568.
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  44. Entretiens Sur Philosophie Et Histoire Actes du Congrès de Santa Margherita Ligure Et Gênes.Evandro Agazzi - 1990 - Accademia Ligure di Scienze E Lettere.
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  45. Streitbare Philosophie. Margherita von Bretano zum 65. Geburtstag.[author unknown] - 1991 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 96 (2):277-278.
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    Symbole, schème, imagination. Essai sur l'œuvre de R. Giorgi.Stanislas Breton - 1972 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 70 (5):63-92.
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    O Percurso Metodológico de Uma Pesquisa Qualitativa: Na Linha da Fenomenologia e da Historiografia.Juliana Salgueiro Melo & Cristianne Almeida Carvalho - 2022 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 28:233-253.
    Este trabalho visa apresentar a trajetória de uma pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia, que defini a Fenomenologia e a Historiografia como metodologias. Após delimitar os objetivos da pesquisa em questão, fez-se necessário elaborar um percurso metodológico para alcançá-los. Dessa forma, inicia-se o relato de uma longa jornada que envolve desde a delimitação do universo da pesquisa até os passos da pesquisadora em campo. Este artigo tem como propósito partilhar informações, discutir e minimizar as dificuldades enfrentadas por pesquisadores em trabalho de campo (...)
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  48. Consequências para o empirismo construtivo da adoção de um padrão internalista na caracterização do processo de observação.Alessio Gava - 2015 - In Marcelo Carvalho Jr Fátima R. Évora Claudemir Roque Tossato Oswaldo Pessoa (ed.), Filosofia da Ciência e da Natureza. Coleção XVI Encontro ANPOF. ANPOF. pp. 239-250.
    Discutindo acerca das centenas de detecções de planetas extrassolares, que supostamente aconteceram desde 1989 e que ele considera (incorretamente) como instâncias de observações, Peter Kosso disse, justamente, que segundo os parâmetros de Bas van Fraassen esses objetos celestes seriam observáveis. Ora, tais astros poderiam sem dúvida ser observados diretamente (sem a necessidade de instrumentos), nas condições apropriadas. Mas, acrescenta Kosso, “esse tipo de epistemologia externalista, que permite que a justificação se baseie em informação que não temos a disposição (nós não (...)
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    “Primary Relations” In a New Foundational Axiomatic Framework.Lidia Obojska - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (6):641-657.
    The new system of axioms we propose is based on the foundational theory of De Giorgi et al. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Preprints di Matematica 26: 1 (1996) slightly modified. In that paper (which is dedicated to a new axiomatic framework for mathematics, informatics and logic) the authors use two kinds of primitive notions: relations and qualities. Since their system is based on the distribution paradigm, they start from distinction. We propose to shift the perspective and to start (...)
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    Beneš’s Partial Model of $mathsf {NF}$: An Old Result Revisited.Edoardo Rivello - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (3):397-411.
    A paper by Beneš, published in 1954, was an attempt to prove the consistency of $\mathsf{NF}$ via a partial model of Hailperin’s finite axiomatization of $\mathsf{NF}$. Here, I offer an analysis of Beneš’s proof in a De Giorgi-style setting for set theory. This approach leads to an abstract version of Beneš’s theorem that emphasizes the monotone and invariant content of the axioms proved to be consistent, in a sense of monotony and invariance that this paper intends to state rigorously (...)
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